Starting Bankroll: $0.00

Current Bankroll: $500.00 (withdrawn)

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hey my graph almost looks like that, except take off like 4 zeros from those profit numbers on the left and they are pretty much identical. Yup. The next nanonoko baby.  Yeah, so the greatest mid/high stakes player in in the world finally created a blog and it can be found at:

The greatest cash game grinder in the world posts his first poker video and it's a TOURNAMENT. LMAO!!! You should check the interview he had with It's pretty interesting to look into the mind of a genius and how he got started.

On a side note, I ended up moving my FTP money to Stars, so my current bankroll just jumped $110. I am also doing the Take 2 promotion at FTP. Apparently, I just need to make 5 ftp point each day for 9 days in a row and I get $25. So basically rake about $5 to win a $25 bonus, which will end up being transferred to Stars LOL!!! Thanks for the free money FTP. Plus, I get to reunite with my love, RUSH poker. I'm playing 5NL RUSH with 2 buyins. =D

Currently, still keeping my goal of never putting any money into poker. I transferred my money over through players in the 2p2 forums.

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