Starting Bankroll: $0.00

Current Bankroll: $500.00 (withdrawn)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pokerstars changes min/max buyins for cash games!

So I'm still playing at 5NL, so it actually doesn't affect me at all YET. Although overall the changes seem extremely good, there are 3 things that worry me. The fish are going to go away, the fish are going to go away, and the fish are going to go away.  The fish are no longer going to go in the 40-100bb and will all move to the 20-50bb tables. Fish are losing players, and hate it when they get stacked for huge amounts. Therefore, they will go to 20-50bb tables, where you lose less and skill doesn't play as much of a roll.

I think Pokerstars can help fix this by two ways (that have probably be brought up in the 2p2 forums multiple times).

One, change the 20-50bb tables to 20-40bb. This will close the buyin overlap and possible less bad fish will go to the shallow tables and buyin for 50bb. Plus buying in for 50bb when everyone is 20bb around you is kinda stupid.

Two, label the table shallow, regular(or no label), and deep. The fish will be more inclined just to join the regular tables and not the ones with weird labels. Maybe I'm just a selfish asshole, but the fish really need to know they are playing in the fucking shorty games.

And going back to my own poker...

I transferred my FTP money over to Stars and have enough to move up to 10NL, but I'll probably wait until Hold'em Manager comes out with a new update first. Some people seem to have problems at the new min/max buyin tables that are not at 5NL, but at every table 10NL+

Friday, April 16, 2010

FTP Take 2

So I ended up going back to FTP to take their free money. Basically the deal goes. Play from April 3rd-11th everyday and earn at least 5 ftp points each day (about $.50 per day) and FTP will award $25 dollars. LOL at my minimalist approach seen below.
I just played like 20 minutes of 5NL Rush poker a day and got a free $25 bonus, when I only raked $5.28. That's a 10% increase to my bankroll! I'm going to add the rest of my FTP money to my Stars bankroll through 2p2 player transfers and I will be closing in on the $300 mark. Even though I'm rolled for 10NL, I'm going stick to 5NL for a little bit longer. I want to have a good amount of hands with a solid win rate before I move up. Plus, Pokerstars changed their min/max buyin policy, so everything is all screwed up except 5NL and below. I'll go into more detail about that in my next post.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thank You "Cry Me A River"

For finally adding my blog to the damn Micro FRNL blog list. Now people can actually fucking read my blog instead of me talking to my damn self. I don't know whether you finally added it because I finally made a RSS feed, or I have a decent amount of posts now, or you're just REALLY SLOW at responding to your PMs, but whatever the reason thank you. (He'll probably never even see this message lol.)

I thought I lost my chances with getting my blog posted when he got mad about my post on encouraging under aged online poker LOL, but maybe he forgot 'insert embarrassment emoticon here'.

Since my blog has been opened to the 2plus2 community. I will work on improving it for possible future followers. This includes improvements like:
  1. Make your opinion known
  2. Link like crazy
  3. Write less
  4. 250 Words is enough
  5. Make Headlines snappy
  6. Write with passion
  7. Include Bullet point lists
  8. Edit your post
  9. Make your posts easy to scan
  10. Be consistent with your style
  11. Litter the post with keywords
  12. Steal your ideas from google (like I just did for the above list)
I think the ones I need to work on are 2, 3, 6, 9, and 11. I want to post many more posts, but make them shorter and more interesting. Honestly, when I read other people's blogs, I just skim. I don't want to read a 4 page essays. So, I am definitely going to make my future posts skim friendly for dumb, impatient people like me.

Don't be afraid to use the follow feature on my blog. I won't think your a stalker. In fact, I might even decide to stalk your blog as well if you stalk mine. =)

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hey my graph almost looks like that, except take off like 4 zeros from those profit numbers on the left and they are pretty much identical. Yup. The next nanonoko baby.  Yeah, so the greatest mid/high stakes player in in the world finally created a blog and it can be found at:

The greatest cash game grinder in the world posts his first poker video and it's a TOURNAMENT. LMAO!!! You should check the interview he had with It's pretty interesting to look into the mind of a genius and how he got started.

On a side note, I ended up moving my FTP money to Stars, so my current bankroll just jumped $110. I am also doing the Take 2 promotion at FTP. Apparently, I just need to make 5 ftp point each day for 9 days in a row and I get $25. So basically rake about $5 to win a $25 bonus, which will end up being transferred to Stars LOL!!! Thanks for the free money FTP. Plus, I get to reunite with my love, RUSH poker. I'm playing 5NL RUSH with 2 buyins. =D

Currently, still keeping my goal of never putting any money into poker. I transferred my money over through players in the 2p2 forums.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

WSOP 2006

Just saw it for the first time and WOWWOWOWOWOWWOW at Jamie Gold for getting the best run of his life. I don't get it. He limps in with any 2 cards and always get the best hand post flop. Unfortunately there's no compilation of Gold flopping all his sets and winning all his all-ins preflop. You have to watch the WSOP 2006 yourself to see that. But here's a small clip of High Stakes Poker that basically shows what Jamie gets in every hand at the WSOP 2006.

Man if I ran that good I would immediately go to SnGs and tournaments. Which is exactly what I've been trying LOL.

So first, I was messing around with the $3.40 STTs (Single Table Tournaments) like a month ago. Played 11 of them and ended up with 1.1% ROI. So forty cents profit. Quit it for a bit and went back to try the $5.50 STTs with terrible bankroll management. I don't really feel like describing everything so I'll just post pics.

So at one point I was down 5 buyins ($25), or about quarter of my bankroll, which is why I am bad. But I new I could fall back on micro cash games, so I was TOO worried. Anyways, I quit while I was ahead at 1.3% ROI, so now I'm back at the 5NL tables grinding it up.