Starting Bankroll: $0.00

Current Bankroll: $500.00 (withdrawn)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fuck You Pokerstars

So I'm still at FTP right now here is overall earnings progress so far.

Even though PokerStars are fucked me over by chasing away fish with the buyin changes.

AND raised the microstakes rake.

After I finish this promo at FTP, I'm am coming back because I am a fucking sell out pokerstars fanboy. 

Please don't upset me anymore PokerStars. I love you. <3

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Goals

Been awhile since my last post. I had to handle some school work because I'm such a procrastinating degen.

A few updates since I haven't been posting.
1. Moved to 6 max poker
2. Moved to FTP temporarily (you heard me right). Will be back at stars in a month though.
3. Currently sucking really bad at FTP 5NL SH.

1.  Put a good amount of study/school time in each day even if I got nothing due.
2.  Run on treadmill more and do some push-ups
3.  Fix my 6 max before I go back to pokerstars.
4.  Stop playing like a nitting robot or a semi tilted fish.
5.  Update blog more often and post graphs/pictures.